Privacy and encryption go together like peanut butter and jelly. At the very heart of most encryption strategies is a set of keys and a key exchange. Most of you have probably already heard of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and are confused about GPG. Generate a strong 4096 bit key gpg --full-generate-key List generated keys gpg --list-secret-keys Upload key to default servers gpg --send-keys <your_key_uid> Specify a specific remote server gpg --keyserver hkps:// --send…
If your current strategy is either using the same password everywhere or plain writing it down a Password Manager can drastically improve your online security. When it comes to tools there's a lot of choice to be had. I will go over the different options and their benefits and drawbacks.
Why should you care about your privacy when you have nothing to hide? Well, the thing is.. everyone has something to hide at some point in their lives. It can be something incredibly insignificant but consider this; everything you do online is being recorded and archived.
Today we'll show you just how to encrypt all your home traffic therefore making sure you're ISP can't easily track your every move. First off, there multiple ways to encrypt your traffic all with varying levels of anonimity and performance penalty. Usually the trade-off is anoniminiy vs performance. It's equally important to note that anonimity doesn't come out of the box. Therefore this is not a post about how to remain anonymous on the web, I'm simply showing you a way to shield your browsin…
Installation: sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose Add yourself to the docker group: sudo gpasswd -a <USER> docker WARNING: Every user you add to the docker group is root equivalent. NOTE: It takes a reboot for this change to take effect. Enable and start deamon sudo systemctl enable --now docker.service docker.socket Common commands Build a container docker build -t <docker_name> . docker run -d -P <docker_name> OPTIONAL - Name your own docker instance name: sudo docker run -d --n…